10,000 Euros more per year

SPD member of parliament sabine dittmar has good news for the multigenerational houses in her constituency from the budget committee. In the so-called "purge" meeting it was decided that the federal government’s subsidy for the 540 facilities that exist in this area in germany would be increased by 10,000 euros a year, according to a press release by sabine dittmar.

"Excellent and successful work is being done in the multi-generation houses": sabine dittmar gives the facilities in habfurt, bad kissingen, bad konigshofen, schweinfurt or schwebheim a more than good report card. "The offer is diverse, varied and really well organized", declares the member of the bundestag. "For a long time now, multigenerational houses have become an indispensable part of social interaction in the communities." the good, steadily increasing visitor numbers speak a clear language from her point of view. "Without the multigenerational houses, something would be missing in the cities and communities."

Especially in times when people are getting older and often lonelier, multigenerational houses make an important contribution to a sense of togetherness. "They are a meeting place for anyone and everyone who wants to get involved. Young and old can meet here, learn from each other, be active and make a strong contribution to the local community." that’s why it’s so important to put the financing of multigenerational houses on a secure footing in the medium term.

"We as the federal government also have a duty to do this", says dittmar, who is pleased that the budget committee decided in its so-called adjustment meeting to support the 540 multigenerational houses that exist throughout germany with a higher amount in the future. 5.45 million euros will be made available additionally. This means an extra 10,000 euros a year for each facility. Money that is easy to work with. In addition, the multigenerational houses could benefit from another item, which was endowed with more money.

Voluntary service offers

50 million euros increase in federal budget for voluntary services. "The voluntary social year and the federal voluntary service are very well received", sabine dittmar is pleased that more and more young people are deciding to do voluntary work in the social sector after the abolition of compulsory military service and thus also of civilian service. "Bufdis and fsjler provide extremely valuable services in many places." including in multi-generational homes. With the significant increase in funding, the number of volunteer service programs could be increased once again.

A third item from the cleanup session that is particularly close to dittmar’s heart is the eight million euros for youth migration services.

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