Lenten sermon and fish dinner

Lenten sermon and fish dinner

"We can not change things, but the attitude to the facts we have in our own hands. The truth is to be expected of mankind. Lent is a time of training for our sense of reality, good for understanding the world as it is; accepting people as they are; liking ourselves as we have become. Above all: to work actively on how we want to develop ourselves into the person we can and should become." this was one of the key statements made by pastor edwin erhard in his "lenten sermon" the almost 100 participants of the comradeship of former soldiers, reservists and surviving dependents (kaerh) hammelburg were advised to. Traditionally, the kaerh begins the lenten season with a fish supper, of which the lenten sermon is a major part. Deputy chairman franz herrler was also able to bury mayor armin warmuth, the new commander of the federal armed forces UN training center, colonel werner klaffus, and also the new catholic military priest alfons schopf.
During the event, members were honored for their many years of service to the german armed forces association. Deputy chairman herrler, together with the chairman of the ERH on the sud regional board of the german armed forces association, bernhard hauber, presented a certificate and a loyalty pin to sergeant major a.D. Jurgen armbruster and bernd submann for 40 years of loyalty to the association and to sergeant major a. D. Walter kunszt for 50 years. Walter kunszt also played a major role in the creation and design of the kaerh’s commemorative publication on the occasion of its 40th anniversary in 2015.

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