Commitment to end fighting in Syria

Commitment to end fighting in syria

Although a ceasefire has been agreed between turkey and the kurdish units in northern syria, ibo mohamed does not trust it: the kurdish native is organizing a demonstration in bamberg tomorrow, sunday, together with the asylum picket, the education and asylum network and numerous other groups under the motto: "peace in rojava – stop the invasion of the turkish army".

Mohamed has already drawn attention to the situation in his home country with a youtube video. "I feel powerless", he tells. But he does not want to accept it and wants to show solidarity with the people in northern syria and help his relatives. His parents live in the city of quamishlo in the so-called "security zone", which the turkish president recep tayyip erdogan wants to create in northern syria.

Criticism of agreements

He feels abandoned by the international community. The whole world watches, but does not take sufficient measures. As of thursday evening, the negotiated agreement stipulates that within 120 hours, kurdish troops will withdraw from the border region with turkey and destroy their heavy weapons. Then the turkish offensive should also end. "The ceasefire is nonsense. If the kurdish units destroy their weapons, the whole region will be at erdogan's mercy", he criticizes the agreement. The demonstration is for peace in the kurdish areas, but not against turkey. Rather is erdogans plan and also the weapon supplies from the european union states to turkey a friction surface: "everyone, which supports erdogan, is with blame for the death and the flight of humans in the region", mohamed makes clear.

The demonstration starts on sunday at 16.30 o'clock at the train station forecourt and ends with a rally at the Gabelmann.

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